S5 E6: “R” is for Revolution

“R” is for Revolution – it’s messy and violent and it takes a LOT of people.

June 1, 2023 | S5 E6

People are protesting in France and we have a different take on this. Let’s talk about the Supreme Court decisions and checks and balances and where we stand in terms of the need for revolution. If our branches of government were checking each other, would we even need revolution? 

  1. Are we the beneficiaries of our ancestors’ disdain for authoritarianism, or are we just looking for authority of a different kind?

Living in the US we are taught from very early in our education about the revolution and the freedom our founding fathers wanted. It is human nature to question and challenge authority, but we are freer to do that than in other places in the world. 

  1. When is violent uprising warranted, and when do we settle for peaceful protest?

Peaceful: Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks

Violent: Jan 6? Black Lives Matter? Ruby Ridge?

Note- The Peaceful are celebrated while the violent are not. Why?

  1. How old should we be before we’re expected to revolt and/or enact change?

Our founding fathers were in their late teens and early twenties when they began their mission to stand against the King in an effort to establish a society founded in liberty. 

  1. Are we willing to engage in a complete overthrow of the system for the possibility of something better?

Hashtags: #parenting #parentingporcupines #libertarian #libertarianmoms #libertarianparents #libertarianparenting #momlife #momtourage #revolution #independenceday #foundingfathers #foundingmothers #liberty

Published by kasiewhitener

Author of After December, host of Write On SC, YouTube channels for both and blogging like it's my job at http://kasiewhitener.com

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